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This is the RSL

This is Skrit's ship.

 The Schematic (starting from the top)

The FTL (Faster Than Light) nacelles are able to generate speeds up to the equivalent of warp 9.666 which can be sustained for a duration of no more than 12 hours without serious damage to the nacelles. The equivalent would be like driving your regular car at more than 4000 rpms for that long a time.

The HCC (Hydrogen Collector Converters) gather hydrogen and convert it into antihydrogen for fuel. Revised Nov. 16, 2004: In order to facilitate the need for hydrogen and antihydrogen in space without the need to stop at a shipyard and/or space station, the RSL is built to gather its own particles from space itself through these devices. However, these devices can only work when the RSL is running at sublight speeds. Hydrogen is an easy particle to find in space, unfortunately, in order to convert the H particle into its polar opposite requires a fair amount of energy which strains the resources of the ship and automatically engages the safety protocols to drop the engines into sublight speeds for the converters to work at all. Until a more detailed schematic of the RSL is declassified all that is known of the engineering section on this ship is that one whole deck on this ship is dedicated to storage for both hydrogen and antihydrogen particles and they can be easily accessed by a single command into the computer.

The PDQ (Pretty Darn Quick) Drive generates speeds up to C-the speed of light. Revised November 16, 2004: The PDQ drive is configured as such that the 'slats' in the above diagram on the PDQ can be positioned as needed to direct the flow along the x, y, and z axis, similar to the ailerons on an airplane. Since there is no air in space to direct the flow of direction, the flow of the engines however can be controlled on bursts from two slats to change the direction of the RSL as two or more slats are adjusted to disperse the flow of the PDQ.

The Shuttlepod is able to separate from the ship. Powered by the HYPERION Drive. For interplanetary travel there is the ion propulsion, and for hopping solar systems there is the hyperdrive. The 2 systems can be switched on a 5 second delay.

The EEV(Emergency Escape Vehicle) can hold 2 people and has solar collectors which are used to power the thrusters and the replicators for food and survival gear only.

The RS LYON is equipped with 4 torpedo bays. 2 forward located closest to the front, and 2 aft. There are 6 phaser banks. 4 on the top and two on the bottom. The front 2 are rigged into the side.


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