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This is the first time I have begun any real artwork other than the Skrit character, and am working on improving my skills as a sketch artist to hopefully design other things as well.




Hello, this is Nathan aka SKRIT

Hello this is me.The man behind the scene of Skrit. Working to make Skrit more and more entertaining all the time.

 Okay, I also play piano and enjoy playing on computers. I have been playing piano since I was 4, and my one main talent in life. Music is the window to my existence. I play all kinds of music: classical, new age,  jazz, rock, etc.

I am also hoping to one of these days get a cd compiled.




IThis was the year I got married to SEC for privacy reasons I do not wish to use her full name.

This would also be my third year as a member of the USS MAXIMILLIAN. 




This would be about the time I got hooked on to Star Wars and Star Trek, I remember seeing Star Trek:TMP at Flickers in Worthington, OH (now out of business).






Copyright(c) 2003 Skritweb owned and maintained by Nathan Cobaugh. All rights reserved.